“Beauty never ends”
NgalSo Gangchen Labrang - Tibetan Calligraphy Üchen style
by Bebel Franco
I met Lama Gangchen Rinpoche in Sao Paulo in March 1993...
My friends call me Duccio and I was born in Bari, Italy in 1954.
I first met Lama Gangchen in 1984 in Pomaia (Pisa, Italy) during his first visit to the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute. I belonged to th...
Gangchen Drupkhang was built in 2006, under the guidance of Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, with the aim of creating a permanent base for the preservation of traditional Himalayan handicrafts and culture.
Nel corso di 40 anni Francesco ha ricevuto insegnamenti da maestri di tutte le tradizioni di Buddhismo Tibetano, principalmente della scuola Gelupga, oltre ad iniziazioni Kagyu, Nyma, Sakya. Ha passato oltre trent’anni al fianco di Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, supportandolo con importanti traduzioni e condividendo insegnamenti nei centri NgalSo sotto forma di sessioni domanda e risposta, come nella tradizione di Buddha Shakyamuni.
Widespread in different varieties and rooted in several ancient cultures across the world, mandalas have the power to visually capture and guide our attention with their complex symbology.
What does a mandala represent in Tantric Buddhism, how can we decode its messages and benefit from them?
"Be busy with peace"- create your Tibetan Buddhist altar
Most important is the spiritual value attributed to the altar and its ability to renew our aspiration to achieve inner peace and be freed from mental delusions, in order to heal ourselves, the environment and other sentient beings.
Setting up an altar is a practice itself and an intimate moment to commit to spiritual development.