Il sistema di guarigione tibetano si basa su metodi olistici e su rimedi naturali per curare il corpo e la mente.
Questo incenso è 100% naturale e realizzato secondo le antiche tecniche e ricette tibetane con piante curative della regione himalayana.
L'incenso si brucia per purificare l'ambiente, per generare rilassamento, durante le cerimonie e le pratiche spirituali, le terapie, lo yoga ecc...
Ogni pacchetto contiene 20 bastoncini di incenso e include un piccolo supporto per bruciare il bastoncino.
Puoi scegliere tra i seguenti:
- Tara, erbe himalayane per una vita sana.
- Sandalo, il profumo puro del sandalo.
- Kalachakra, guarigione.
- Mahakala, pensiero positivo.
- Varjayogini, meditazione.
- Padmasambhava, realizzazione dei desideri.
- Spiritual guide, crescita interiore.
- Kurukulle, sollievo dallo stress.
- Zambala, ricchezza e felicità.
- Chenresig, compassione.
- Milarepa, vita pura.
Fatto a mano in Nepal
Acquistando questo prodotto stai sostenendo le attività di formazione professionale del Gangchen Drupkang di Kathmandu in Nepal, attività a favore di persone estremamente povere e bisognose.
Invoicing and Shipping
Your account will be charged only at the moment in which we ship your order. Together with the product you will receive the fiscal receipt of payment. In case you would need an invoice instead of the fiscal receipt of payment, please write to us at the moment of ordering. In case we have not received your request for invoice and we have already issued the receipt of payment, unfortunately we will not be able to issue the invoice.
Our Earth Conscious choice for packaging:
Adhesive paper document envelopes
Eco-friendly: the paper bag can be recycled together with the box.
100% paper: external side 35 g / m2 glossy (natural fiber), internal side in white silicone kraft 40 g / m2 for the insertion of documents.
Back in non-siliconed kraft paper 40 g / m2 bleached without chlorine.
Permanent hot melt adhesive without solvent.
Adhesive tape: paper
FLO-PAK NATURAL biodegradable crisps: these crisps are made from
biodegradable and compostable corn starch and decompose in contact with water, no toxic waste is present.
Bubble wrap: made of 50% recycled materials.
Die-cut boxes for books with adhesive closure: Renewable, recyclable sources
Padded envelopes: Without plastic, 100% recyclable paper
Cardboard box: 70% recycled
Tissue paper: 100% recycled, it contains neither chlorine nor acid.
In order to reduce our carbon footprint we have decided to make shippings once a week, therefore, our delivery can take up to one week, depending when you have placed your order.